Sunday, August 20, 2006

Day 176...

Well family and friends, the time is near for my home coming. I can not give dates and time but it is near. My time spent here has been helpful to the cause and the mission, I hope. I did the best job that I can with little to no equipment and with little to no support from the present company. Anyways, along the way I meet new friends. I got to know them as much as I can. A lot of them were Marines. Take care of them and they take care of you. You can always count on them to take a bullet for you, fight for you at a bar, stand up for you if others are picking on you. They are just will rounded friends. Just don't ask them to be emotional.

We have moved out of the barracks and into tent city. The barracks went to the new company that is replacing us. Living in the tent is not all that great, but it kind of reminds me of camping but a little bit up scale. The shower trailer and crapper trailer is way better here than it was at the barracks. However I can not wait to be homw taking a real shower and a real crap in a real bathroom. The shower stall is a square box that some people can hardly fit into. Some goes with the crapper. That space is so tight that it is hard to relax. You feel like your trap in a box or something. it is quite frightening. Tent city living. Wide open, just like boot camp.

Well there is not much going on at the moment, again there probably something going on, just can't say what it is. What I can say is that the weather is still hot. Windy at night during the morning hours. Acouple of days ago we had a mini sand storm come through. Oh yeah, there were a lot of clouds in the sky. I have got a few pictures that I'll post later when I get back.

You know I went swimming for the first time in a long time. The last time I went swimming was with Nyoka and Baby D. It has been a year since then. Time does fly by fast. Anyways, it was or is great. A group of us would go swimming at night when the weather is a bit cooler. It just feels real good.

Here a few pictures of new pad that we live in and a picture of the cloud covering. Enjoy and I'll see everyone real soon.

(Above) This is where I sleep. (Below) Here
I am with big smiles because I am going home
real soon.

This is one of many good pictures that I have of the sunsetting.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Swim Pics

Can you find us? Give you one hint. Look left.

Here are some pics of Dominic in his swimming lessons, at home in our pool & at our friend, Glenda's, house. Sorry for the late entry, however, please enjoy.

Dominic enjoys discovering new things in the pool (here we were looking for "fish," "whales," etc.)

"Hey my first pool buddy."

"Mrs. Glenda, hang on tight. Mommy wants to take a picture & I want the camera."

Dominic & mommy @ Glenda's pool. Thanks for the refreshing coolness, Glenda.

"Where did mommy go? Oh, there she is."

"Uh Oh, mommy has that camera again. There's just something about it that attracts me to it."

Isn't he just so cute?

"Rats. She caught me trying to sneak away."

***Not to worry, mommy wasn't far from Dominic. The camera has a what they call a zoom button. I was actually 1-2 inches away. Hope ya'll enjoyed.......

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Exactly 9 months old:
"This whole bed's just for me?"

Hello everyone. I know most are anxious to hear the progress of our Precious "Baby D." By the way is 9 month well baby check up went great. Sorry to say though, not shots this time. He's not due until his 1 year well baby exam, which is in 3 months. Yikes, how soon time flys, our little one is going to be a year old. Any how here's his stats:

"Look at how much I've grown!"

Head circumference: 18.41inches/47cm - 75-90% for his age group
Weight: 18lbs (evenly)/8.16kg - 25-50% for his age group
Height: 29inches/73cm
Since his last appointment he grew 3 inches & gained 9 ounces. Wow, how fast he grows.
Another update:
Aron started kindergarten on August 8th, & from what Chenoa's said he seemed to have enjoyed it. Although Aron didn't talk much about his day. Cut the kid a break, he's only 5 years old he's more interested in playing.
Love you all, take care and God bless.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Our "little" Graduate

Okay so he's technically not our graduate, he's my sister Chenoa's. But we still consider him, as well as Christian, as one of our own. Hope you enjoy.

He was the first born, the first to crawl, walk & then run. The first to cry, laugh & finally speak. The first in diapers, then on to pull-ups and finally "big boy" underwear. He was, and is, the first for many things to include the first to graduate from Pre-K.

Aron, you have filled our hearts full of joy from the moment you made your way into this world. We wish you nothing but the best in life & are anxiously awaiting your next adventure. We love you very much & we are ALL proud of you. Mommy, Mamaw, Papaw, Uncle Tam, Aunt Nyoka, brother Chris & baby cousin Dominic. Our one of many pieces of advice: May you never meet an obstacle that you can't tackle.

Okay, so Aron is only 5 this is a milestone for us all. We love you lots & will hopefully see you soon. Take care and may God bless.

P.S. Thank you, Chenoa, for blessing us with our nephews. Not just Aron, but Christian too.