Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Conductor Dominic

Well as most of you are already aware, our little man turned 3 on November 3rd. His birthday fell on election day this year, as will ever 4 years, and was also on a Tuesday. So we celebrated it the Sunday before (01 November).

We thought long and hard about how to celebrate as it would be tough to beat last years competition (just refer to past blogs); we even asked Dominic what he wanted to do. Finally we came up w/bowling, so we had a bowling party. We had taken him bowling before his birthday & he seemed to like it so we thought it was a cool idea.

The kids (about 10 children - varying in age) dinned on cheese & pepperoni pizza, fruit punch & root beer. We got to bowl, but keeping their attention on the game was hard, so we only got to bowl a half a game. There was a two hour limit, so by the time we finished pizza, bowling & cake it was time to go. We opened gifts at home, which stunk, because little man couldn't enjoy them w/his friends.

This years theme revolved around Thomas the Tank Engine. Dominic's really into Thomas at the moment. His presents even revolved around trains; one was even a train set to go around the Christmas tree. I can't wait to put it up.

Well hope you enjoy the pictures from the birthday bash festivities.....oh, please don't think baby girl was neglected. She actually was sleeping through most of the party.

Love to all,
The Duong's

1 comment:

cuzzin said...

I"m glad that Dominic had a nice birthday. I don't think his birthday is going to fall on every election day. Only once in awhile. I'm glad that he had fun. He looks almost older than
3. Like almost 4 or 5. Love, Chris