Sunday, September 24, 2006


Well after 28 years, I've finally done it. I mustered up the courage to get, yeap you guessed it, a tattoo. Shocker, not quite sure. After all, I do have my navel pierced. As for the experience: it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would & no I didn't cry; the most sensitive spot was over the spine itself; the artist did a remarkable job drawing up the design; he also did a great job explaining the process of how things would go; but most importantly was the sterile technique. After all that's been said and done, I would do it again, although I thought about backing out all weekend. Anyhow, I thought that I'd share the exciting news with you all as well as a picture or two. Hope you enjoy.
Love ya'll,
P.S. Chris, this is the surprise I was referring too.

(these pictures speak for themselves.)

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