Saturday, March 07, 2009


Since Christmas and Linh & Jan's visit. Not much else has happened. We've been keeping busy w/work and school, but mostly enjoying the little ones. Here is a sneak peak of them in their moments.

My how time fly's. They are growing right before our eyes and we just want to take every moment one step at a time.

Currently: Zoey is 4 months & 3 weeks old (13lbs & 9ozs), has her bottom two front teeth & is drooling like crazy. She wants to hang out w/the grown ups if you will; doesn't like to lay down much. She does roll over in both directions and can sit supported. Loves to try and scoot while on her tummy time mat...Dominic is 3 years old. Loves going to school, where he has many friends. Has learned numbers in English and Japanese. Loves to trace numbers and letters; can write 1-10 w/out tracing. This just in, he can spell is name, although he's recognized it for some time. He spells his name D-O-M-I-C (so he leaves out the N and the other I, it's his way of spelling his name); he can even write is name w/out tracing. Oh, my they are growing so fast.

Well for now enjoy these photos...

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