Thursday, August 10, 2006

Swim Pics

Can you find us? Give you one hint. Look left.

Here are some pics of Dominic in his swimming lessons, at home in our pool & at our friend, Glenda's, house. Sorry for the late entry, however, please enjoy.

Dominic enjoys discovering new things in the pool (here we were looking for "fish," "whales," etc.)

"Hey my first pool buddy."

"Mrs. Glenda, hang on tight. Mommy wants to take a picture & I want the camera."

Dominic & mommy @ Glenda's pool. Thanks for the refreshing coolness, Glenda.

"Where did mommy go? Oh, there she is."

"Uh Oh, mommy has that camera again. There's just something about it that attracts me to it."

Isn't he just so cute?

"Rats. She caught me trying to sneak away."

***Not to worry, mommy wasn't far from Dominic. The camera has a what they call a zoom button. I was actually 1-2 inches away. Hope ya'll enjoyed.......


Anonymous said...

Just look at that precious water baby!!
Don't worry Dominic - Daddy will be joining you in your pool very soon now. You'll have to show him all that you've learned.
Hugs to all,
Your Loving Bishoff Family

Anonymous said...

Dominic is such a big boy now. he knows how to swim and he loves it. Can't wait to play in the pool with you. I love you Buddy.