Sunday, October 16, 2005

8 Months In...

It is almost time for the baby's arrival. As new and upcoming parents, Nyoka and I, we're very anxious and ecited for the baby's arrival. Nyoka is only two weeks away from the due date. The last week of the month I'll be out in the field training. She'll be able to reach. Don't worry, I'll never miss my baby's arrival. I'll drop whatever I am doing and rush to the hospital. The baby is moving a lot more lately and it's not just kicking, it is rolling and stretching. I know there is little room in there to stretch, but when the baby stretches, it looks like its going to rip out of Nyoka's belly. Sometime when the baby stretches, Nyoka's belly would look like the shape of a peanut. Nyoka and I try to guess what body part we are feeling. Sometime it feels like a thigh or a feet or a hand and sometimes it feels like the butt. It is very amazing. We are so blessed with this wonderful wonder and experience.

I hoping she is like a week late, that way I know for sure that I'll be there for the delivery. Well, we'll keep everyone posted with the coming of the baby.

I love to craddle him/her!

It's mine to craddle the baby!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys I wish so much I could be there for you guys. What a wounderful time for the both of you. It is ok by me that it didn't come out on the 18th. It's so nice to be able to check you your blog and find out the cool little details about the little one.
Wish I could be there to feels a foot or elbow. Miss you two and soon to come three.
Your friend Heath