Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween...

Happy Halloween to all. Here are pumpkins that Nyoka and I carved the day before Halloween. It was not the same carving these pumpkins without our favorite nephews, Aron and Christian. Last year when they were here, we carved pumpkins with them. They each picked out a pattern and they both help Nyoka and I gut the pumpkins and carve them. We had a blast. It took awhile for them to stick their hands in the pumpkin to gut out the seeds and the slimy insides.

Oh yeah on a side note, Nyoka is still pregnant. So no Halloween baby. Enjoy these pumpkin faces. Have fun Treat 'O' Treating.

This year I made pumpkin seed treats with the seeds. Did not have a chance to eat them. I plan on eating them tomorrow afternoon. I'll let you know how it taste.

Halloween fun, gutting and carving pumpkins.

Skull face, Nyoka carved this one.

Funny picture, Nyoka gutting and I am stabbing the pumpkin to death!!!

Haunted House, I carved this one.

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