Wednesday, January 11, 2006

2 Month Check-Up...

Today was Dominic's two month check-up and shots. Yeap he is getting shots today. Nyoka and I guest his wieght to be aroung 12 pounds. We were almost tright. Only off by a pound. The little guy weighed in at 13 pounds. He was measured at 24 inches long and his head circumference is 44 cm. The doctor said he is in the 75th percentile. He is a growing boy.

I had bump into a lady in the elevator before Dominic's appointment and she had asked me how old he was. I told her that he is 2 months and 1 week old. She couldn't believe her eyes that he was so big for his age. She had her boy with her and said that he was 6 months old. When I had a look at her son, he was just as big as Dominic was. I guess it's all in the breast milk. Oh, it's probably also in the genes too.

After the doctor had a look at Dominic, it was time for his shots. The doc told us that he would be getting three shots today. We went back into the waiting area and waited for his name to be called. His name was finally called and we were ready. Of course I had to hold him down. The shots were not that bad. He must of cried for about 1 minute, then he stopped. I can see that he was or is a strong boy. I guess he has high tolerance for pain as well.

Well, his next check-up and shots will be in be in two months. He'll be four months old. I know I won't be there to hold him down. I just hope that Nyoka can. She just does not want to see him pain. Be strong baby, everything will be all right.

1 comment:

Rhianon and Heath said...

Really, I can not wait to see the little (big) guy. We will have to do dinner sometime soon! I miss you guys!