Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Baby's First Flight...

Well, Dominic took his first flying trip to Florida and Louisiana.

We first flew to Florida so that he can meet is grandma and Sam. He also got to meet is aunt Chenoa and cousins, Aron and Christian. While there in Florida, we went to two aquarium's and a Chuck E. Cheese. Of course he slept for most of the excitement. That's ok. But we got to spend time with Aron and Christian. They stayed with us at the hotel for most of our stay. We know they had a great time. They got to spen time with Dominic and they got to take cool and funny photos with him. I'll post those later. I'll tell you more about Florida.

We are know currently in Louisiana visiting Mimi and Pa, uncle Bill and Aunt Wanda and the rest of the gang. Tell is nothing toi write about it know, but I'll update it later.

Well, talk to you soon...

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