Saturday, March 17, 2007

My New Year

Okay, so you've been given a history lesson on the Chinese New Year. So I will spare you any further agony & share w/you a few pictures of my first official New Year's w/my father's side of the family.
This year the New Year started Sunday, February 18th. Mommy, Daddy & I traveled up to Los Angeles where my Co hai & Co ba live. We met up w/my grandparents and went to a street fair a few blocks away.

My grandparents gave me my very 1st red envelop gift (of which will be placed in my account), and I was able to wear the traditional New Years costume from my father's native country. My grandparents gave it to me for Christmas. Hope you enjoy my pictures. Sorry there's only a few, I don't sit still to long for pictures these days. I just have a short attention span, but my father says I have ADD.
Your pal,

You did get my good side, didn't you?

Just for me! My first red envelope.

Oh boy! Thanks for my gifts, Ong Noi & Ba Noi.

Mommy, me & the pig.

1 comment:

cuzzin said...

Dominic looks very cute in his Chinese outfit. I didn't know he knew how to type. Must get that from his mommy and daddy's side of the family. -Love, Chris