Monday, February 13, 2006

5 More Years...

Well, I went and did it, I re-enlisted for another 5 years. I wanted to re-enlist for 6 years, but the Navy has a rule about High Year Tener. HYT for an E-5 is 14 years. If I would have re-enlisted for 6 years, it would have put me 15 years and 2 months. I guess they did not want to give me 2 months. I plan on making E-6 within the 5 year's.

This was a special day because Nyoka did my re-enlistment. When she re-enlisted back in March 2004, I re-enlisted her. It was quite a ride. When she was reading the oath to me and I was reciting the oath back to her. She made it difficult for me because, she would read long sentence's and it was heard for me to recite them back. I was getting a little worried that I might not be able to recite the oath back. But somehow I managed to pull through and was ablt to recite the oath back to her with no problems.

Maybe for my next re-enlistment, I'll ask Dominic to re-enlist me. I sure he'll say yes and he'll enjoy doing it.

Nyoka was such a pro at presenting my discharge and re-enlistment certificates.

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