Monday, February 27, 2006

Tour of Duty...

Yes, it is I, Tam, the master of things, Jack of all trades, postig from an undisclosed location. Well, I have left for the "sandbox."

As you have read from the previous post by Nyoka, my journey began @0545 Sunday morning, 26 Feb 2006. I'll make this as short as possible. The plane took off at around 1500 on 26 feb 2006. We made two stops before getting into Kuwait 2300 on 27 Feb2006. The next journey is into Iraq, which will take place sometime today. I am glad that we made it into Kuwait before the beginning of March... Explanation for that is, PAY. Thats all I can say about that.

My next journey is the journey home sometime in late August early September. If none of this doesn't make since, its because I have not gotten a lot of sleep. I'll just close for now and hopefully next time that I post, it'll make since. Take care of each other and I'll see you guys real soon...


Tam said...

Tam, you keep that head of yours held high. I love you and we will see you soon. You are never far from my heart. I LOVE YOU!!! Thanks for mine & Dom's freedom. Your wife, Nyoka

Anonymous said...

Tam I am sad that I missed you, I am excited to see you little one and you wife. I will make sure to give your son a hug for you! It is too bad that we were unable to meet up some place over here. Take care Tam!
